Saturday, September 20, 2014

Still without confirmation

With CN PT out of the Top 10 recently (appearing yesterday on 13th place), it seems that this is a sign that CN HQ will (probably) return, but I'm not sure considering that I haven't got any positive reviews on my petition.


  1. With more than 50 or 60 channels in the cable in Portugal do you really think being in 13th is bad?? Besides, that's a kid channel... that are specific rating for children and it's not important for kids channels to have a lot of audience they just need to have kids withing it... please, that's just stupid to think that CN HQ will return... a channel like CN PT requires A LOT os investment, lots of people working in the marketing, finance, programming, dubbing area.. you actually think that your petition will change it? Please, you seem smarter than that.. just try to embrace the channel and be proud your country has a CN.

    1. Cable TV has changed A LOT since the 90s. But I digress, I'm one of the 60 people that haven't found any satisfaction on CN PT. I think that the dubs are of the worst quality, but Dialectus did some of the worst ones imaginable.
      Back in the 90s, a TV Cabo subscription initially meant "Wow! Tons of foreign channels!". Then the market started to develop and eventually more and more channels in Portuguese launched at snail speed. The speed went faster as the years progressed, and now a NOS subscription means "Tons of Portuguese channels". The TV providers are being luso-centric in a way if anything.
      The channel launched on a shoestring budget, had tons of problems and many other maladies that I considered it as being "far worse" than CN HQ. I think that this channel is the new Biggs, but CN HQ is still in our hopes and dreams (especially dreams, of which there were many about it).

  2. By the way, didn't TV Cabo have the show descriptions in Portuguese until at least a few years ago? That probably led to speculations that CN HQ would have a Portuguese audio track one day.

    1. Boomerang also had translated descriptions. Ditto for TCM.
