Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Extreme Blogging Excavations

Hey you! Yes, you! You are reading this blog.
I'm "excavating" my blog posts from the Toonzone blog nobody reads anymore.
Unfortunately, considering that I had a CN HQ-related blog I owned for exactly a full year (March 28th 2012-March 28th, 2013), I don't want to post some articles from the blog because I cringe at my old work.
The rules are simple.
1: Go to "cartoon network hq schedule.blogspot.com" (I'm too shy to write it all together as a single word);
2: Copy-paste the entire post and send it by e-mail;
3: E-mail me at randomme98@outlook.com, repeat: e-mail me at randomme98@outlook.com;
4: In order to get the default font for Blogger posts, I will copy-paste the text onto a Shrib note, and then put the images.
I posted lots of fillers which mainly included fanart from DeviantART. It will "probably" be presented as a single post.

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